Thursday 8 August 2019


As I rummaged through old pictures, forgotten toys and dusty souvenirs, I came across a diary I wrote around fifteen years ago during my university years. Its paper form looked alien compared to the extensive blogging and e-content which spreads like viruses nowadays. I knew then the short stack of four or five A4 sheets in front of me would get lost again if I did not resurrect it somehow, similar to what Google did in digitising print works for the past ten years. Hence, the purpose of this blog. After all, one of our purposes as mankind is the survival of memory, at all levels, global or personal. Through recorded memories we feel the passing of time, we realise who were and what we have become without shying away from mistakes, embarrassment, shock or nostalgia.

I kept the text as much as it was, minor a few grammatical correction or clarifications on Hungarian vocabulary. I did not want to tarnish with the devilish habit of revision. Not when it comes to diaries or personal notes, which are simply our mind on paper. Raw and untouched by form and ego.

And last, for any Hungarians out there or aspiring learners of Hungarian, please note my Vocabulary sections or historical and cultural references are somehow accurate but are not meant to be a language or culture lesson and therefore the native may spot mistakes. Apologies in advance.

My trip to Budapest happened in 2004 on my last year of university. It was my second trip to Eastern European (the first being Slovenia and Croatia) and I went without knowing much about the country except its role in 20th century history. I have not returned ever since and many times I wished to go back. Great culture and great unique language!

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